Shinwoo Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration
Incheon National University, South Korea
Shinwoo Lee
Ph.D in Public Affairs
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
I am a faculty at the Department of Public Administration, Incheon National University. My main research areas center on public management and organizational theory/behavior, with a focus on New Public Management (NPM), government outsourcing, and organizational reputation. Given my scholary background in budetting and finance, I also study topics relevant to nonprofit financial management and gender budeting.
Indiana University – Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Ph. D; Public Affairs, Minor in Inquiry Methodology
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, U.S.A.
M.A.; Public Policy
Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea
B.A.; Public Administration
August 2020–Present
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
Department of Public Administration
Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea
August 2018–August 2020
Assistant Professor, School of Public Affairs
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, U.S.A.
May 2017--August 2018
Research Associate, Indiana Business Research Center
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
"The Effects of Organizational Scandals on the Desirability of Public Organizations as Places to Work: Evidence from the VA Waitlist Scandal" The American Review of Public Administration, (2024), 54(1), 19-32
“What Does the Evidence Tell Us about Merit Principles and Government Performance?” Public Administration, (2023), 102(2), 668-690
“Organizational Image and Employee Engagement: Exploring the Inter-Relationships between Contrued External Image and Perceived Organizational Identity.” The American Review of Public Administration, (2023), 53(2), 82-96.
“Does Outsourcing Reduce Employee Job Satisfaction? A Test of New Public Management Orthodoxy.” Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, (2021), 43(1), 47-61. (2021 Best Article in Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration)
“Engagement among Public Employees: Examining the Role of Organizational Images” Public Management Review, (2021), 23(3), 422-446.
“An Overlooked Cost of Contracting Out: Evidence from Federal Employee Turnover Intention in U.S. Federal Agencies.” Public Personnel Management, (2020), 50(3), 381-407.
“How May Outsourcing Enhance Employee Job Satisfaction: Exploring the Role of Knowledge Sharing.” The American Review of Public Administration, (2020), 50(4-5), 387-400.
“Government Outsourcing and Organizational Performance: The Employee Perspective.” The American Review of Public Administration, (2019), 49(8), 973-986
“Nonprofit Cash Holdings and Spending – The MissingRole of Government Funding.” Nonprofit Management and Leadership, (2019), 29(3), 321-340.
“Employee Turnover and Organizational Performance in U.S. Federal Agencies.” The American Review of Public Administration, (2018), 48(1), 522-534.
“Job Scarcity and VoluntaryTurnover in the U.S. Federal Bureaucracy.” Public Personnel Management, (2018), 47(1), 3-25.
“Exploring the Influence of Economic Conditions on Collective Turnover in the Federal Government – A Preliminary Study.” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2014(1)
"공공조직 평판과 조직매력성 간 영향관계에 관한 연구: 외부평판과 내부평판의 영향을 중심으로" 정부학연구, 2024, 30(2), 115-143.
"정부조직의 평판 인식에 미치는 영향 요인에 대한 연구: 직접적 경험과 매체 가시성을 통한 간접적 경험을 중심으로" 인사행정학회보, 2024, 23(1), 57-75.
"노인 이동성 결정요인에 관한 연구: 미국 National Household Travel Survey를 중심으로" 융합사회와 공공정책, 2023, 17(2), 116-140
"정부의 아웃소싱 지출이 조직 성과에 미치는 영향과 자원 불충분성 딜레마" 한국행정논집, 2022, 34(3), 97-119.
2023 Service Star Award, Public Personnel Management
2023 Best Lecture Award(전공과목분야 최우수강의상), Course Title: Introduction to Public Administration(행정학 원론)
2022 Best Lecture Award(전공과목분야 우수강의상), Course Title: Government Regulation(정부규제론)
2021 Best Article Award (co-winner), Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Administration
2016 Best Conference Paper Award, Association of SPEA Ph.D. Students (ASPS) Annual Conference
2014 Best Conference Paper Award, Public and Nonprofit Management Section, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Pi Alpha Alpha, National Honorary Society for Public Administration, Inducted in 2010 & 2016
U.S. Data
1) Eviction Data: https://evictionlab.org/
Data on household evictions across states of U.S. from 2000 to 2018
Worldwide Data
1) Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicator: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/search/dataset/0038132/Worldwide%20Bureaucracy%20Indicators?version=3
Panel data portal on public sector employment and wage across countries
2) Worldwide Governance Indicator:
Data on individual and aggregate governance indicators for over 200 countries covering 1996-2021
3) World Value Survey: https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/wvs.jsp
4) Quality of Government Survey:
5) Global Public Procurement Data:
6) Gender Budgeting / Gender Inequality Index:
Korean Data
1. 공공데이터 포털: https://www.data.go.kr/index.do
2. 지방재정관련 데이터: https://lofin.mois.go.kr/portal/main.do
(지방재정 365)
3. 국가통계포털: https://kosis.kr/index/index.do
시/군/구 데이터 & 국제통계/북한통계
4. 민원 빅데이터: